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Theatre de Nieuwe Regentes

Theatre De Nieuwe Regentes is a unique location. The building that houses De Nieuwe Regentes dates back to 1920. It was the largest indoor swimming and bathing facility in Europe. Visitors and artists describe the atmosphere as an Off-Broadway theatre. No plush and carpets, but a raw monumental environment that leaves a lasting impression.

Your location

Do you have a specific location in mind for your event? Alternatively, would you like to have catering provided at your own location?

We would be happy to meet with you to discuss the options.

Fill in our contact form.

Of course you're more than welcome to call or send an e-mail:
 070 - 720 0 720


Lange Voorhout 15
2514 EA The Hague

 070 - 720 0 720

Algemene voorwaarden

2024 CateringMeesters Surlinio